Die Ordination - Dr. Domenig - Center for detoxing methods
Dr. Stephan Domenig
Majority of modern diseases find its roots in overloading our bodies or in situations of congestion. Overloading is not necessarily seen as overweight, it can be interpreted as affecting tissue, liquids or mind set. The body /mind is (temporarily) unable to digest and dissolve stagnation. Furthermore, environmental stress causes excess demand on our detoxing system. Once toxins are incorporated, they may disturb sensitive parts such as our hormonal balance or enzymatic system. In chronic situations which are partly silent, inflammation can occur, or manifest in compulsive thoughts and habits. The heart mirrors chronic stress as well, seen in abnormal heart rate variability: overstimulation which is not answered appropriately by relaxation. The well-established F X Mayr Cure has effectively shown us the unbeatable value of detoxing. The long standing and years of experience have revealed the value of fasting and the many solutions offered by the Cure Medicine.
Before prescriptions and suggestions proper analysis have to be performed: Blood checks, heart rate variability checks, subtle changes in clinical appearance and questionnaires can help to find the proper therapy.
Selective methods, such as leeching, bleeding, diets, chelating (heavy metal detox), does encourage your body and hence, one can induce proper healing.
To learn more, please click “methods for detoxing“ or book an appointment:
Call: +43 664 215 53 02
New opening hours Dr. Domenig
Monday 08:00 AM - 01:30 PM
Tuesday 03:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Wednesday by appointment only
Thursday 08:00 AM - 01:30 PM
Friday 08:00 AM - 12:00 PM
Appointments only after arrangement by telephone +43 664 215 53 02 or via email office@die-ordination.com.
New opening hours Dr. Musil
Tuesday 09:00 AM - 03:00 PM
Wednesday 09:00 AM - 04:00 PM
Thursday 03:00 PM - 08:00 PM
Friday by appointment only
Appointments only after arrangement by telephone +43 664 7347 4840